Regional Nile Day 2024
Venue: Bujumbura, Burundi, 22nd February 2024
Theme: Unlocking the Benefits of Nile Transboundary Cooperation
What is Nile Day?
Nile Day is an opportunity for Nile Basin Initiative to highlight the importance of cooperation on transboundary waters for the sustainable management and development of the common water resources. The Nile riparian citizenry convene and celebrate the benefits of Nile cooperation and exchange experiences, views, and ideas on topical issues related to the cooperative management and development of the common Nile Basin water and related resources.
Activities for Nile day
Community Activities to Promote Awareness on Environmental Issues
Procession Through Bujumbura
Presentations of School Children on Importance of Cooperation on River Nile Issues
Keynote Speech
Statements by Riparian State Nile-COM Members
Speech by Guest of Honor
Extraordinary Meeting of Nile-COM
Strategic Dialogue and Policy Panel Between Member States and Development Partners
Factsheets and Flyers
Annual Regional Nile Day Events: 2007 - 2024