Welcome to the Climate Proofing Hub for Climate Resilient Water Infrastructure Investments!
The hub provides orientation for better mainstreaming climate risk into infrastructure investment decision making. The hub’s services include orientation and guidance on climate-proofing throughout the infrastructure investment cycle; access to climate and hydrological scenario data for Nile Basin catchments to be used for climate proofing, opportunities for peer exchange for collaboration and networking on the PIEVC Practitioners Network, as well as e-learning on climate proofing and climate data. It can be used as a collaborative platform by project managers, planners, designers, and ministerial staff who need to engage in climate-proofing.

Interactive Climate Proofing Manual
Climate Proofing allows for sustainable investments in climate-resilient infrastructure. This manual provides the rationale, conceptual foundations, and step-by-step guidance for decision-makers and practitioners in NBI member states to manage and execute climate proofing of newly planned or existing infrasstructure.

Climate Scenario Database
The climate database entails downscaled and bias corrected CORDEX Data from 13 models for the minimum and maximum signal changes for temperature and precipitation. Also, Intensity-Duration-Frequency (IDF) matrices, as well as the Probable Maximum Precipitation (PMP) had been derived to be used for carrying out hydrological modelling and climate risk assessment of infrastructure investments.

PIEVC Practitioners Network
Welcome to PIEVC practitioners network. As a member of the PIEVCommitee NBI guarantees all NBI stakeholders access to the PIEVC Practitioners Network. It is an opportunity for exchange, networking, coaching, and accessing a great marketplace for Climate Proofing specialists. Engineers, planners, operators of infrastructure and climate scientists, and many more are most welcome to register.

Climate Proofing E-Learning Course
The NBI Climate Proofing E-Learning Course introduces instruments and methodologies for the climate proofing of infrastructure investments along the investment cycle. The course offers guidance on overcoming governance challenges for climate change and covers themes from policy formulation to project identification, preparation, resource mobilisation, construction and the operation and maintenance of new and existing infrastructure.

Supplementary Manuals and Guidances
In this section summplementary materials for the interactive climate proofing manual are being found. This includes documentation of case study applications of risk assessment of NELIP projects at feasibility stage, the climate proofing manual as a document itself, guidances on how to use the scenario data base and more. These docuements are also cross-referenced throughout the entire climate proofing hub.