Step-By-Step Manual
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- Step-By-Step Manual
This is the section of the manual that infrasturcture project development professionals need to focus on as they carry out climate proofing for their projects. Climate Proofing of infrastructure investments, such as water infrastructure, is a defined transformational pathway towards creating resilience of water infrastructure, a process with multiple feedbacks. Being iterative is a characteristic that makes it useful for decision making. The process of climate proofing includes the steps followed in this manual that occur in various iterations and feedback loops. Projects undertaking climate proofing under this manual, employ the principles of ISO 31000 Risk Management Standard i.e., ISO 31000 (Risk management) and ISO 31010 (Risk assessment) (ISO, 2009, 2018). The manual at hand has a specific focus on risk assessment, rolled out according to the guiding principles and methodlogical foundations of the protocol of the Public Infrastructure Engeneering Vulnerability Comittee (PIEVC) and is therefore much more detailed on risk assessment then risk treatment. Climate Proofing requires guidance and tools to facilitate assessing and addressing climate risks during the design of strategies, projects, and activities and to support adaptively managing climate risks during the operation of infrastructure assets.
Step 1: Scoping
Scoping for climate proofing consists of several activities laid down here. The following activities are important when starting a climate proofing process and apply to all entry points of climate proofing in the infrastructure investment process.
Activity 1: Defining objectives, context of climate proofing
Context and objective are defined by the different stages of the infrastructure investment cycle, from planning to project identification, preparation, and operation. This may also include future asset planning, prioritizing refurbishment, regulatory or organizational mandate.
Overall, climate proofing objectives may include:
- Climate proofing for development of infrastructure investment policy.
- Detailed planning for proposed Infrastructure.
- Climate proofing as part of a regulatory or funding process.
- Climate proofing of existing infrastructure operations and maintenance policies and procedures.
- Climate proofing for ensuring due diligence in managing and governance of assets.
Depending on these entry points climate proofing could for example focus on infrastructure service reliability, or structural integrity, or economic performance. Whereas climate proofing at the basin level looks at climate change impacts on various systems at the basin level, climate proofing at the level of project preparation focusses on climate change impacts at a particular location informing for example the design aspects of the infrastructure. This implies that objective setting is crucial to set the scene for defining the subsequent approaches for risk assessment and risk treatment. Hence, purpose of climate proofing is different and needs to be stated well in the beginning of every climate proofing process. Establishing the context is usually done by the key stakeholders who should include at least the project owners, relevant regulatory agencies, financing institutions, affected people and affected third party interests.
Activity 2: Develop and adopt guiding principles
Prior to beginning the risk assessment or climate proofing process, develop and adopt guiding principles for assessing and planning for the effects of climate change. These principles can be used to demonstrate alignment and consistency between policy and plans, but at a minimum should align with those already in place as part of planning efforts. Examples could include, but are not limited to:
- Risk-Based: Aligned with the precautionary approach of managing climate risks and assets. Recognizes that addressing climate risk is a responsibility of water infrastructure developers and operators
- Evidence-based: Use the best available science and evidence at the time, including common climate projections, and review regularly.
- Leadership and culture: Build leadership and enable a culture of everyone taking responsibility; “mainstream” climate change among various staff and decision makers.
- Partnerships and engagement: Establish and maintain partnerships that enable broader collective impact and further policy and planning objectives.
- Aligned: Align with existing policies, plans and/or initiatives that provide other benefits and have compatible goals and objectives.
- Adaptive and flexible: Promote flexible approaches that incorporate the potential for iteration and updates based on best available information, leaving a range for future options.
- Transparent monitoring and review: Promote an ongoing process with commitment to review
- Equitable: Seeking solutions that equitably address the risks of climate change and share the costs and benefits of action. Be mindful of, and include where appropriate, the unique needs and conditions of people who are most vulnerable.
Activity 3: Building teams
When undertaking scoping activities related to climate proofing, it is valuable to bring a diverse set of skills, expertise, and experience to identify what climate risks may impact the project and what information is required. Identifying key members of the team is critical. Ideally, a core project team should be created with staff and stakeholders who are infrastructure-focused but also embody diverse backgrounds and provide a range of perspectives. Avoid having a project team consisting of one person, where workload or silos can pose challenges in implementation. In other words, involve infrastructure focused staff, but broaden the team out as much as possible. Consider how and to what extent stakeholders and engagement needs to factor into your process. Stakeholders have different interests and influences when undertaking a Climate Risk Management process related to infrastructure. It is critical that external stakeholders and partners understand and buy-in to the results from this process to invest and ultimately build resilience down the road.
In establishing the climate proofing team, it is important to consider roles and competencies. Figure 8 schematically illustrated types of stakeholders and their specific roles:
- Risk Assessment Specialists: In-depth knowledge of the fundamentals of risk. They have strong skills in facilitation and communication that strengthen the knowledge and expertise of other team resources and guide the process.
- Climate Specialists have a strong understanding of climate that is relevant to the local context. They can interpret climate data and communicate uncertainty effectively with other team resources.
- Planning Individuals or groups with knowledge of community planning, land-use planning, infrastructure planning and other related expertise relevant to the scope of the assessment (like transportation) can provide a broader understanding of multi-stakeholder goals and relevant policy.
- Infrastructure Experts (Technical and Engineering): Technical or engineering subject matter specialist(s) have relevant experience working with the infrastructure or systems being assessed.
- Environment Expertise needed will vary depending on the assessment scope but can include knowledge on topics like sustainability, hydrology, landscape architecture, ecology, aquatic biology, or forest management.
- Operation & Maintenance: Can provide valuable insight into the system being assessed or similar systems they have worked with previously.
- Management, Finance: Can assist with encouraging buy-in across the organization and aligning project objectives with the organization’s goals and strategy.
- Legal, Insurance: Can provide insight on topics like liability, risk tolerance, the ability to acquire insurance, and relevant policy.
- People: Non-organizational stakeholders who rely on the services of the systems or assets being assessed have critical perspectives to contribute related to service disruptions and levels.
Step 2: Climate Risk Assessment
To identify appropriate climate risk treatment measures, those climate risks and their causal structure need to be identified that are likely to reduce the service reliability, structural integrity, and safety, as well as the economic performance and overall feasibility of existing and new infrastructure projects.
Thereby, understanding projected climate change and its impacts on the hydrology considering local environmental conditions is key to identify the relevant risk treatment options to arrive at water infrastructure resilience.
There are many different methodological approaches to undertake climate risk assessments depending on its scope. Differential modifications for different stages in the infrastructure investment cycle, including new and existing infrastructures are detailed in here.
Though, the following generic approach adopted and contextualized by the NBI is based on the Public Infrastructure Engineering Risk Assessment Protocol (PIEVC) that applies to all types of risk assessments. Thereby, NBI’s risk assessment methodology conforms to all main principles of the ISO 31000 Risk Management Standard.
Key output and process steps to assess climate risks
A key output of risk assessment following the principles of PIEVC is a metrification of risk using a configured risk matrix that is composed of a climate likelihood and impact scoring process determined by defined scales. Depending on the scope and objective of the assessment scoring class definitions and the metrics can take various shapes. The common ground, though, is the overall formula used to calculate risk values which is:
INFRASTRUCTURE RISK (service reliability, structural integrity, economic viability…) = Exposure (Ex) x Likelihood (hazard) x Impact (vulnerability)
The output generated in this step is the calculation of risk values e.g., for different infrastructure structural, operational, or service-related elements using the formula. The calculation of risk values depends on mectrics applied for assessing likelihood and impact. PIEVC recommends using a 5x5 scale approach. To arrive at the risk values, first the scoring system and the criteria and thresholds for scoring levels for both, likelihood and impact need to be defined. Another important output of the assessment is its evaluaton in terms tolerability. Risk tolerance thresholds are being defined (see color coding) that guide defining implications of the calculated risks for a specific element of the infrastructure.
The risk assessment results can be collected an documented in a risk matrix. The number of risk values calculated depends on the number of elements looked at, the number of elements (can be infrastructure components, or specific services under assessment) that were selected to be exposed to the number of climate event types.
This manual is about applying the methodological framework outlined above to individual cases. It defines Steps, Activities, and Tasks as illustrated in the figure below.
Figure 9: Generic description of NBI’s Risk Assessment Methodology based on the PIEVC Protocol.
Thereby, collecting and processing climate data include (a) identification of climate parameters, (b) corresponding indicators, (c) define how they might interact with the elements of the infrastructure under assessment and (d) developing climate information products suitable for carrying out the risk assessment. The more data can be collected on the infrastructure the more informed the risk assessment will be. The climate likelihood scoring process can be completed separately from the impact scoring of the risk assessment.
Activity 1: Defining objectives, contextt, and scales of the assessment
The objective, context and criteria should be established, reviewed and documented throughout the entire assessment. They differ between assessments and organizations and will relate to understanding and addressing the risk appetite of the organization. They will dictate the assessment’s complexity, the time, resources, and data to complete it.
Task 1&2: Establish assessment objectives and context
The objective of the assessment can be drawn from the objective of climate proofing detailed in Step 1 “Scoping of climate proofing” and will guide establishing the risk assessment approach. Hence, whether risk assessment is carried out for developing a climate resilient infrastructure investment plan or designing feasible new project or stress test existing infrastructure is a decisive factor that defines the way a risk assessment is configures (compare chapter 4).
Overall, three types of different scopes and context of assessment can be differentiated:
- Understanding the risk of service reliability and performance of the portfolio of newly planned or existing infrastructure, considering different geographies.
- Understanding the risk of structural integrity and operational robustness of the portfolio of newly planned or existing infrastructure, considering different geographies.
- Understanding the economic risk of the of the portfolio of newly planned or existing infrastructure, considering different geographies.
Sometimes, all objectives might be covered in a single assessment, the scope opens wide then, or there is a particular interest in one of these that allows for more in-depth assessment using specialized techniques.
Questions related to objective:
- Is the element, and its sub elements, relied upon for delivering services across a jurisdiction?
- In the event of a climate impact would damage and/or loss of function to the element cause concern for public safety?
- Has the element, or any of its sub elements, previously been defined as critical via government processes or otherwise?
Is the element, or any of its sub elements, not necessarily owned or maintained by the risk assessment lead but still considered important by stakeholders and residents (e.g., cultural heritage)?
Box 3 Example of objectives and context of dam infrastructure assessments
Example 1: Assessing structural integrity as an objective: Hydrological safety assessments are necessary to prevent a failure of water infrastructure, in particular dams. Results of the hydrological safety assessment are necessary inputs for the geotechnical safety assessments, which consider the stability of the dam against sliding, turning, base failure. All assessments feed into to design of a water infrastructure or help devise rehabilitation measures in case safety standards are not met. Specifically, dams require a comprehensive safety assessment. The hydrological dam safety analysis consists of three pillars: hydrological modelling, regionalization, and worst case probable maximum flood (PMF).
Example 1: Assessing service reliability as an objective: NBI took the lead in executing a service reliability assessment of six infrastructure projects at pre-feasibility and feasibility stage from the NEL Investment Programme (NELIP). Due to the important services which serve as main objectives of the projects, it was necessary to study the effects of climate change on the hydrological regiment in the respective rivers to be able to assess the risk on the reliability of the provided services. The relevant infrastructure services of these projects were hydropower, municipal and industrial water supply, irrigation, flood control and e-flow.
Task 3: Select and establish the assessment criteria and scales
Assessment criteria will identify key details for the assessment. These include:
- Asset details and boundary conditions
- Level of service standards
- Importance or criticality of assets and sub elements
- Time horizon of the assessment
- Geography or geographies of a portfolio (considering different climate regions)
- Governance and jurisdictional considerations
- Assessment process selection or screening
An important decision needs to be taken about defining the scale of the assessment. For water infrastructure the scale could be for example, the dam scale, the reservoir scale, the watershed scale and water users scale, and the transboundary scale. Depending on the assessment objective and context the scales are defined. To assist in this process, decision making tools guiding the process may be employed. Examples include multi factor analysis, SWOT, surveys, etc.
Task 4: Defining the system and elements under assessment
Based on the prior decisions taken, the elements of the assessment are being defined. As part of undertaking any assessment, it is important to identify and document the elements of a system or portfolio that may be vulnerable to the impacts of climate-related hazards.
This process should be holistic and systematic to ensure critical elements are not mistakenly excluded from the assessment. Of course, the final elements of a particular risk assessment will differ depending on the scale, intended, or provided service, geographic context and assets owned, operated and/or managed that are of interest. For example, at a municipal level, one could envision aligning these elements under assessment with the services provided to residents across the municipality as well as other elements that are particularly important for providing a continued level of service under climate change and extreme weather events.
Table 1 describes categories of elements that may be assessed. Risk assessment managers and facilitators are encouraged to review and identify together with stakeholders those categories that may be particularly relevant based on the objective of assessment, and the local geographic contexts.
Table 1: Type of elements that can be subject to assessment
Infrastructure services |
Infrastructure assets and their structural components |
People |
Activity 2: Determine climate parameters and assess exposure
Task 1: Select climate parameters
This task is used to establish the climate parameters or hazards relevant for the infrastructure elements defined. Selecting climate parameters of measurable climate conditions, such as temperature, precipitation, and wind are a starting point for the definition of climate indicators. Though first a kind of exposure analysis needs to be conducted following the question: Does a particular element of the infrastructure feels a specific climate event?
Box 4 Definition and difference between climate parameter and inidicator
At this stage of assessment, it is sufficient to understand the climate parameter relevant for the assessment. Later, when infrastructure thresholds are established (following tasks), the corresponding climate indicators can be defined (task 4).
Selection of relevant climate parameters
Those climate parameters are to be selected that are most common in the geographic area of concern and that is associated with the potential malfunction, failure of its structure or serviceability (Examples of combination events include rain, high temperature coupled with high humidity, etc.).
- When it comes to infrastructure services, one must consider the hydrological regime and what a change in river flow can impact these services. An increase in reduction of discharge can impact hydropower production, water supply for irrigation/municipal or industrial use, flood protection and e-flow dynamics.
- When it comes to the structural integrity one must specifically consider extreme climate events, such as for temperature and precipitation.
Table 2 shows an example of climate parameters.
Table 2: Example of climate parameters and hazards to be selected
Climate parameter | Climate events | |
Temperature related hazards (extremes, heat spells, change in season, etc.) | Extreme high temperatures | |
Periods of high temperatures (heat spells) | ||
Rainfall related hazards (heavy rain, change in seasons, droughts, etc.) | Extreme high rainfall events (heavy rain) | |
Periods of high rainfall (prolonged rainfall) | ||
Hydrological hazards (floods, low flows, water temperature, material concentrations) | Flood | High water levels |
High flow velocities | ||
High water volumes | ||
Period of high discharge | ||
Surface run-off | ||
Low flow | Low water levels | |
Low flow velocities | ||
Low water volumes | ||
Period of low discharge |
Task 2: Assess exposure of elements to identified climate parameters
Not all infrastructure elements usually interact with a types of climate parameters. The risk matrix provides an opportunity to flesh out which of the elements listed previously would “potentially” feel the hazard. For example, does monitoring equipment “feel” lightning? Does the reservoir “feel” rain? Does underground infrastructure “feel” wind? If there is no potentially connectiveness between an element and a particular climate hazard, then there is no need to further do likelihood, impact and risk analysis for that element.
Figure 12: Exposure analysis using the risk matrix
It is important to note down in the risk matrix using a Yes / no analysis. With this first order screening those elements are considered for further analysis that are deemed to be exposed to a given hazard.
Activity 3: Develop an impact scoring system - determine impact criteria & impact thresholds
This activity prepares for likelihood and impact scoring. For likelihood scoring first the climate indicators (a defined certain flow for example) need to be defined that would result in a specific service loss, like hydropower, or structural damage to dam elements. Hence, as a bottom-up approach is followed, first the impact dimensioning is established before the likelihood.
Impact assessment / scoring is based on vulnerability assessment to a selection of defined climate hazard indicators to which the system is exposed to and needs to be defined based on the objective of the assessment (e.g., service reliability, or structural integrity). Impact analysis determines the nature and type of impact which could occur if an event, situation, or circumstance has occurred. The impact on the infrastructure structural integrity or service reliability is related to the impact of climate change on the current design’s capacity and key socio-economic assumptions to achieve or not achieve the project objectives (energy production, social, environment and safety). An event may have a range of impacts of different magnitudes and affect a range of different objectives and different stakeholders. Impact analysis can vary from a simple description of outcomes (suited for Initial Analysis /High level Risk Screening) to detailed quantitative modelling or vulnerability analysis (suited for CCRA).
Task 1: Determine impact criteria
Depending on the infrastructure being assessed, the services it provides, and the set objective of assessment one can define one or multiple types of impacts to be assessed. For hydropower, e-flow as well as water supply the aim is to ensure continuous provision of the service without reduction of hydropower generation or water supply. Hence the criterion can be defined as “reduction of produced power” and the “amount of time of reduction”. For the flood control service, the degree of the “hazard” (flood) created due to a certain water level as well as the degree of “exposure” of the population upstream and downstream of the infrastructure are relevant. For “structural integrity”, the “load exceedance” due to a climate or hydrological pressure, as well as “increased maintenance and operational costs” is in focus of the assessment.
Though, there is a close relationship between structural integrity and service reliability, climate risks and impacts can be assessed solely for service reliability if the focus is on anticipated changes of water amounts relevant for the service. Structural integrity assessments focus more on extreme events that could pose a threat to the entire infrastructure system. Box 5 describes the impact criteria for all types of services and structural integrity of the infrastructure.
Box 5: 2-factor criteria for impact assessment of service reliability and structural integrity | ||
Climate change impact on Hydropower can be defined as the reduction of targeted power within a defined timeframe of outage. | Climate change impact on water demand for irrigation can be defined as the reduction of supplied water within a defined timeframe of reduction. | Climate change impact on e-flow can be defined as the change in discharge regime for a defined number of days. |
Climate change impact on water demand for municipal and industrial use can be defined as the reduction of supplied water within a defined timeframe of reduction. |
Climate change impact on flood protection capacity can be defined as an increased hazard caused by higher water levels that the dam was designed for or is operated with. |
Climate change impact on the structural integrity of the infrastructure can be defined as exceedance of the load capacity of the physical component (e.g. spillway, dam crest) leading to loss of function, damage to and loss of the asset, as well as increased cost for operations and maintenance |
Task 2: Define impact scales and corresponding thresholds
The criteria developed in task 2 need to be transformed into measurable impact severity units for the risk assessment. The corresponding impact severity scale should extend from the maximum credible to the lowest impact of concern. The scale may have a numeric scale e.g., 1 – 5, as defined by the PIEVC matrix.
The scale is characterized through different classes of impact severity, that need to be established by the definition of impact thresholds that are connected to the degree of sensitivity of the service beneficiary system to suffer harm or impact from the climate event types selected. Defining those thresholds are based on sensitivity / vulnerability considerations (example: crop water demand threshold, minimum power generation requirement depending on economic and human needs etc.).
The impact thresholds can be generic, such as the defined number of days with service reduction or percentage of reduction compared to a key demand. Where to set these thresholds for developing a scale from 1 – 5 requires some effort, as these thresholds must be linked with meaningful impacts resulting from sensitivities. The more information on sensitivity (e.g., capability to live with power shortage) is provided the more specific they can be defined.
For parametrization, when the duration of service reduction is considered one can either take continuous days or average days per time-period into account. In the following some specific considerations for the different services and structural elements of infrastructure are described.
- Hydropower: Water demand for producing electricity via a power plant which is located on or near a water source. The function of the power plant is converting the energy from potential energy (water flow – change in water elevation) to electrical energy. The greater the water flow and the higher the head, the more electricity the plant can produce. Due to climate change the discharge in a river can increase or decrease, leading to a reduction in hydropower efficiency. The thresholds for defining the degree of impact severity depend on the capacity of energy users to live with power outage and the types of consequential effects.
- Irrigation: Water demand for agriculture use by applying various artificial systems of tubes, pumps, and sprays. The system is usually applied in the areas where rainfall is irregular, drought events or arid climate regions. A reduction in water supply for irrigation can lead to loss of crops (food insecurity) and unemployment. The thresholds for defining the degree of impact severity can depend on the crop water requirement, the time of year or merely on the percentage of reduction of supply with regards to the demand.
- Municipal/Industrial Water supply: Municipal water demand includes water for drinking, cooking, washing, laundering, and other household functions. Industrial demand includes water for stores, offices, and manufacturing plants. A disruption or reduction in water supply can lead to a decrease in quality of life as and economic deterioration. The thresholds for defining the degree of impact severity can depend on the degree of reliance citizens have on water, the reduction that certain industries can sustain or simply a percentage of reduction with regards to the demand.
- Flood management: Governance bodies introduce flood policies and managements plans to mitigate and adapt the flood periods. Dams can store higher river discharges to protect the downstream catchments from flood. Increased floods caused by climate change could require higher dam storage capacity or an optimization of reservoir operation plans. The thresholds for defining the degree of impact severity depend on the exposure of upstream and downstream flood plains. Different definitions of exposure can come into play such as: population density, investment projects.
- Low flows: A minimum monthly average flow is required to sustain river ecosystems and continuity of navigation. Changing river flow dynamics can affect ecosystems and navigation negatively. The thresholds for defining the degree of impact severity depends on the available ecosystems and navigation requirements.
- Structural integrity: The thresholds for defining the degree of impact severity depend on the structural configuration of the infrastructure, e.g., their age, materials used, maintenance is executed, operations are implemented etc. for planned infrastructure feasibility studies and codes and standards provide an insight into impact thresholds, such as design standards.
Examples of impact thresholds and the impact scoring for different services of the six case studies is presented in the following Table 3
Watch out!!! The definition of the thresholds (percentages) presented in the table are examples only. Each project should review this table to confirm the values and revise as necessary, based on the risk appetite of key stakeholders.
Table 3: Examples of impact thresholds based on vulnerability considerations for type of assessment objective (service reliability and structural integrity)
Impact scoring levels | Examples of types of impact scales by objective of assessment | |||||||
Service reliability | Structural integrity | |||||||
Hydropower* | Irrigation*** | Municipal/Industrial Water Demand | Flooding | Low flows | Physical components | Operation and Maintenance | ||
1 | Insignificant | <30% reduction** in generated power for up to 30 days/year | <30% reduction in water supply for irrigation for up to 14 consecutive days/year | <30% reduction in water supply for M&I use for up to 1-3 consecutive days/year | Water level within flood buffer and exposure low or medium | <30% reduction of flow below mean minimum flow for up to 7 days/year | Virtually no effect on asset condition, no repairs required | < 0.1% increase in (average) annual cost to sustain service levels |
2 | Minor | <30% reduction** in generated power for 30-90 days/year or 30-70% reduction for up to 30 days/year | <30% reduction in water supply for irrigation for 14-30 consecutive days/year or 30-70% reduction for up to 14 consecutive days/year | <30% reduction water supply for M&I use for 3-7 days/year or 30-70% reduction in for up to 1-3 consecutive days/year | Water level within flood buffer and exposure high or spillway active (frequent flood event 10a) and exposure low | <30% reduction of flow below mean minimum flow for 15-30 days/year or 30-70% reduction for up to 7 days/year | Minor damage to asset requiring 0- 5% of annual maintenance budget for repairs | 0.1-1% increase in (average) annual cost to sustain service levels |
3 | Moderate | <30% reduction** in generated power for >90 days/year or 30-70% reduction for 30-90 days/year or >70% reduction for up to 30 days/year | <30% reduction in water supply for irrigation for >30 consecutive days/year or 30-70% reduction for 14-30 consecutive days/year or >70% reduction for up to 14 consecutive days/year | <30% reduction in water supply for M&I use for >7 consecutive days/year or 30-70% reduction for 3-7 consecutive days/year or >70% reduction for 1-3 consecutive days/year | Spillway active (frequent flood event 10a) and exposure medium or spillway active (rare flood event 50a) and exposure low | <30% reduction of flow below mean minimum flow for >30 days/year or 30-70% reduction for 15-30 days/year or >70% reduction for <7 days/year | Moderate damage to asset requiring 6-25% of annual maintenance budget for repairs | 2-10% increase in (average) annual cost to sustain service levels |
4 | Major | 30-70% reduction** in generated power for >90 days/year or >70% reduction for 30-90 days/year | 30-70% reduction in water supply for irrigation for >30 consecutive days/year or >70% reduction for 14-30 consecutive days/year | 30-70% reduction in water supply for M&I use for >7 consecutive days/year or >70% reduction for 3-7 consecutive days/year | Spillway active (frequent flood event 10a) and exposure high or spillway active (rare flood event 50a) and exposure medium | 30-70% reduction of flow below mean minimum flow >30 days/year or >70% reduction for 15-30 days/year | Major damage to asset requiring 26-80% of annual maintenance budget for repairs | 11-30% increase in (average) annual cost to sustain service levels |
5 | Extreme | >70% reduction** in generated power for >90 days/year | >70% reduction water supply for irrigation for >90 consecutive days/year | >70% reduction water supply for M&I use for >90 consecutive days/year | Spillway active (rare flood event 50a) and exposure high | >70% reduction of flow below mean minimum flow for >30 days/year | Extreme damage to asset (e.g. design flood) requiring > 80% of annual maintenance budget for repairs | >40% increase in (average) annual cost to sustain service levels |
*Evaluation depends on the available energy sources that can cover the demand
**with regards to the target power
*** growing stages of crops and soil characteristics are not considered in the evaluation
Task 3: Define hydrological and climate indicators for impact thresholds
After having established the impact thresholds for the different scales of severity, task 3 dedicates to defining the corresponding climate or/and hydrological conditions, such as magnitudes of flows, that result in the defined impact for each impact severity class illustrated above.
For example:
- What is the climate indicator that would impact the structure of the asset in focus of assessment in a moderate way, defined in table 3 as the “damage rate to asset requiring 6-25% of annual maintenance budget for repairs”?
- What is the climate indicator that would impact hydro power generation reliability of the asset in focus of assessment in a moderate way, defined in table 3 as “<30% reduction** in generated power for >90 days/year or 30-70% reduction for 30-90 days/year or >70% reduction for up to 30 days/year”?
Table 4 shows flow indicators for extreme impacts, such as overtopping the dam, spillway failure or flood control. These standard structural design thresholds and indicators need to be aligned with the impact class definition illustrated in Table 3. Probable Maximum Flood, safety check flood and design flood are those performance thresholds that a Multi-Purpose Dam System is usually prepared for. Their exceedance would certainly be associated with the impact class “severe”. Climate change can modify flow conditions and their frequency of occurrence implying the need for structural adjustments.
Table 4 Standard structural design thresholds and indicators
Hydrological Indicators representing structural impact thresholds for extreme impact (water shed specific) | |
Extreme flood (Probable Maximum Flood) causing overtopping and dam failure | e.g., flow of 8,000 m3/sec |
Safety check flood (10,000-year flood) is the threshold for spillway failure | e.g., flow of 3,000 m3/sec |
Design flood is the threshold for which flood control is provided | e.g., flow of 2,000 m3/sec |
5-year flood | e.g., flow of 550 m3/sec |
Table 5 Service reliability thresholds and indicators
Hydrological Indicators representing structural impact thresholds for extreme impact | |
Target hydropower expressed in Power (MW) or head (m) | Flow of xxx as per feasibility |
Irrigation demand (depending on crops and size of land) | Flow of xxx as per feasibility |
Municipal and industrial water demand (depending on economic dev. and population growth) | Flow of xxx as per feasibility |
Flood control level (Spillway level/Dam crest level) | Water level in masl as per feasibility |
Average monthly minimum flow | Flow of xxx as per feasibility |
Box 6: Design Flood as a performance metric |
An example of a performance metric is the design flood for a project. A dam may for example be designed for a T=1000-year flood (Q1000) based on its consequence class (i.e., Qdim =QT). The consequence class is usually based on safety considerations in case of a dam break. This is usually decided based on analysis of historical flood data, reservoir size, dam break analysis, potential damages, and loss of life in case of a dam break. Different countries may have different specifications for how to determine the dam class and the design flood. With climate change, the T-year flood (QT) may change in magnitude for a given time-horizon (e.g., 2080 – 2099) compared to the historical magnitude. In this case the QT flood is the threshold which, if exceeded, could lead to structural failure or flooding. The climate risk assessment documents the likelihood of this happening (based on analysis of climate data) and the severity/consequence should that happen. The product of the severity and likelihood is the risk. Depending on the type of climatic event or series of events most apt to result in the most extreme flooding, the climate work behind this may be complex and / or reflective of considerable uncertainty that should be well understood and explained. Likelihood/probability of exceeding the design flood can be estimated from statistics of ensembles of flood calculations for a given time horizon. At this stage, the analysis must be simple and should employ the simplest approach for climate data, for example a simple version of the delta change method. The classical delta change method transforms the historical data by making use of the changes in mean values. For flood risk assessments, for which extreme precipitation events are very important, the changes in the extremes, which may be different from those in the mean, should be considered as good as possible. Qualified hydrologists, climatologists and or statisticians should carry out the task of generating the required ensembles. Once the ensembles of precipitation and temperature are established, they can be used in a model to generate projections of runoff. The projections are subjected to extreme value analysis to determine the QT flood. The resulting ensemble of QT values are subjected to a further analysis to determine the probability of exceedance of the design flood (Qdim) across the multi-model ensembles. The computed probability can be used to score the likelihood. Quantitative methods can be used here. The data is fitted to a distribution and a probability of exceedance computed. Alternatively, stakeholders may decide on a qualitative likelihood scoring. To evaluate the consequence of exceeding the threshold, the likely consequence of exceeding the flood design should be considered in terms of damage and impact on the project objectives. The scoring is qualitative and must be agreed by the stakeholders. A similar approach may be applied to all the other identified stressors, project performance metrics and thresholds. |
To arrive at an understanding of impactful climate and hydrological events and to define impact severity levels corresponds, understanding the load capacity of the elements under assessment is critical that may be based upon codes of practice, design standards, forensic history (past impacts to the infrastructure), constructed design values, rules of thumb, engineering guidelines, operational and maintenance standards, or factual procedures of existing infrastructures in operation, professional judgement and experience, or other relevant information.
Also, forensic analysis of the impacts experienced from past critical climate events is a valuable source of information. Especially, when conducting risk assessments of existing infrastructure, the type of load that revealed a specific damage or service loss might be different from design loads, due to aging of structural components and the way how operations and maintenance had been executed in the past.
Hence, sufficient time should be allocated for data collection. Often data are not publicly available, the buy-in from authorities needs to be established through active stakeholder involvement throughout the assessment process.
- Sector specific and public authorities often own considerable data on the infrastructure or the system in focus of assessment. These can include feasibility reports, design standards, Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA), watershed / catchment management plans. But also, data from infrastructure operators that are an important source of data, including incident records, operational rules, bathymetric surveys of the reservoir, inflow-outflow records.
- Local knowledge filtered through the overall expertise of the assessment team can help compensate for data gaps and provide a solid basis for professional judgment. Local knowledge can provide insight about the nature of previous climatic events, their overall impact in the region and approaches used to address concerns. In addition, where possible, traditional knowledge, the collective knowledge of traditions used by Indigenous groups to sustain and adapt themselves to their environment over time, should be considered based on the objectives of the assessment.
- Often, local knowledge is gained through site visits to inspect and become familiar with the elements being assessed. These visits offer the opportunity to view facilities and pose questions to local maintenance, operations, and management staff, who can offer insight on the effects of events and remedial actions that may not have been fully captured in incident reports. While not every risk assessment may offer the opportunity to conduct site visits, it is important to gather as much local knowledge as possible through meetings and other consultations. Interviews and reviewing site photography are other approaches that can be employed in addition to or in replacement of a site visit.
Table 6: Examples of knowledge on the elements under assessment for defining performance thresholds |
Be sure to provide robust justification or rationale where possible for the chosen impact threshold. With this information the corresponding climate indicator needs to be defined.
Table 7 Examples of climate event types and corresponding criteria for which thresholds need to be defined
Climate event types | Climate events | Specifications / definitions | Parameter (P), Analysis (A), Unit (u) |
Temperature related hazards (extremes, heat spells, change in season, etc.) | Extreme high temperatures | Short-term (day) occurrence of critically high air temperature (max values) | P: Air temperature A: max values U: [°C] |
Periods of high temperatures (heat spells) | Period (days-weeks) of critically high air temperature (high-max values) | P: Air temperature A: #days > max threshold U: [°C] | |
Warm season | Season (months) of critically high mean air temperatures | P: Air temperature A: mean, mean max. values U: [°C] | |
Extreme low temperatures | Short-term (day) occurrence of critically low air temperature (min values) | P: Air temperature A: min. values U: [°C] | |
Periods of low temperatures (cold spells) | Period (days-weeks) of critically low air temperature (low-min values) | P: Air temperature A: #days < min threshold U: [°C] | |
Cold season | Season (months) with critically low mean air temperatures | P: Air temperature A: mean, mean min. values U: [°C] | |
Extreme temperature oscillations | Short-term (day) extreme oscillation of air temperature | P: Air temperature A: min.-max. diff. U: [°C] | |
Lightning | Lightning | Short-term (sec.) | P: lightning A: # lightnings |
Rainfall related hazards (heavy rain, change in seasons, droughts, etc.) | Extreme high rainfall events (heavy rain) | Short-term event (minutes-hours) with critically high rainfall (max values) | P: rainfall A: sum/time unit U: [mm] |
Periods of high rainfall (prolonged rainfall) | Period (hours-days) of critically high rainfall (high-max. values) | P: rainfall A: sum/time unit U: [mm] | |
Wet season | Season (months) with critically high mean rainfall | P: rainfall A: sum/time unit U: [mm] | |
Periods of low/no rainfall (dry spell - drought) | Periods (weeks-months) of critical low or no rainfall (low-min. values) | P: rainfall A: #days no rain/< min. threshold U: [mm] | |
Dry season | Season (months) with critically low mean rainfall | P: rainfall A: sum/time unit U: [mm] | |
Wind related hazards (storms – blizzards, tornados, hurricanes; periods of no wind) | Extreme high wind speeds (gusts, storms, tornados) | Short-term events (minutes-hours) of critically high wind speeds (max. values) | P: wind speed A: max. values U: [m/s] |
Wind period | Period (weeks-months) with critically high wind speeds | P: wind speed A: # days > threshold value U: [m/s] | |
Periods of low/no wind | Period (weeks-months) with critically low wind speeds | P: wind speed A: # days < threshold value U: [m/s] | |
Hurricanes, typhoons, tropical storms, low pressure systems, etc. | Short-term events (hours) | P: Occurrence U: yes/no | |
Hydrological hazards (floods, low flows, water temperature, material concentrations) | Flood | High water levels | Short-term event (min.-days) with critically high-water levels (max. values) |
High flow velocities | Short-term event (min.-days) with critically high flow velocities (max. values) | ||
High water volumes | Short-term event (min.-days) with critically high-water volumes (max. values) | ||
Period of high discharge | Period (weeks-months) with critically high mean water availability | ||
Surface run-off | Short-term event (min.-days) with critically high-water volumes (max. values) | ||
Low flow | Low water levels | Short-term event (days) with critically low water levels (min. values) | |
Low flow velocities | Short-term event (days) with critically low flow velocities (min. values) | ||
Low water volumes | Short-term event (days) with critically low water volumes (min. values) | ||
Period of low discharge | Period (months) of critically low mean water availability |
The following indicators provide examples, and indicate a specification that depends on the infrastructure element, component, assessment objectives to be looked at:
- Annual total wet days precipitation
- Number of days when daily precipitation exceeds 20 mm
- Largest total amount of rain that falls over a period of 5 consecutive days in a year
- Design precipitation (100 year – 24-hour duration)
- Maximum number of consecutive dry days (when precipitation is less 1.0 mm)
- Standard Precipitation and Evapotranspiration index (Characterization of wet / dry day periods over a 24-months timescale)
- 50-year (@10m) return level of annual maximum wind speed
- Lightning, Average number of strikes per year in grid relevant to watershed
- Consecutive wet days
- Very hot days (+30°C)
- Heat waves as number of hot days where maximum temperature is > 90th percentile)
Activity 4: Develop tailored climate data and information products
This activity carries forward climate event types selected, as well as the climate and hydrological indicators developed based on the impact thresholds discovered through studying the infrastructure system in the previous activities.
Task 1: Identify Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs) to be used for the projections
Use internationally recognized greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions scenarios (concentration pathways), adopted by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Although there are several GHG scenarios from the fifth assessment report (AR5) of the IPCC, the RCP4.5 moderate GHG emission and RCP8.5 high GHG emissions scenario is commonly used when assessing climate change risks to allow for a conservative assessment of risks posed by the changing climate and to align with current trends in global GHG emissions trajectories.
Organizations may choose other scenarios based on their risk appetite, or multiple scenarios based on their project objectives. The choice of RCPs needs to be agreed on by the assessment team based on consensus, as they heavily modify the output of the climate scenarios constructed. Often two RCPs are chosen to be able to compare.
Task 2: Defining timescale of the projections
The assessment team should select the boundaries and time horizons for assessment within the study. Typically, the time horizons for assessment are chosen to align with the design life / expected lifecycle of the infrastructure, or period-of-time before a planned retrofit or reassessment of climate impacts. When applying the risk assessment, the team should use:
- a climate baseline (last 30 years of relevant climate hazard information or 1981 – 2010 normal period). For the assessment of existing projects, the baseline would typically be the climate conditions on which the design was based, or which were prevailing during the period of recent operation. For the assessment of new projects, the baseline represents the climate conditions for which the initial design is made. In many cases, the baseline would be the hydro-meteorological conditions of the most current 30-year period. though, depending on the region and specific location, it has been common practice to base the design of projects in data sparse regions on data for the period 1961-1990, since for this period data of reasonable quality is typically available. This bares a significant risk that the design is inappropriate for the climate and inflow conditions expected for the first 20-30 years of operation, which is typically the period considered in evaluation of economic project performance (e.g. 2021-2050). If there is high confidence in a past trend, it may be reasonable to establish, as a baseline, a 30-year climate trace which is identical to the historical pattern, except with an adjustment to the trending climate variable to better represent current or near-future conditions (e.g. a 30-year climate trace with increased mean daily temperature within the range that might be extrapolated throughout the anticipated lifetime of the project using the current or projected temperature trend). More advisory on collecting historical data can be found here.
- at least one future climate projection period for comparison. Several future periods might apply depending on the elements subject to assessment and their defined lifecycle. It is important to consider at least the full range of the current ensemble of climate projections, but care must be taken not to draw unjustifiable confidence around the full bounds of the uncertainty space. The GCM ensemble does not delimit the full universe of possible future climate change. For example, consider using the 10th, 50th and 90th percentile change values (e.g., a reduction in precipitation) from the full range of the latest models (i.e., all CMIP6 models used in the latest IPCC Assessment Report) to achieve a defensible range of plausible future change. Recompute the statistics of key climate stressors both historical and future.
Any projected values are compared directly to the values established in the baseline to understand how likelihoods of hazards (individual or combined) are projected to change with respect to current frequency or intensity.
Infrastructure-specific timeframes may also be considered depending on the assessment object and availability and complexity to obtain or develop them. Selection of time horizons should be done in tandem with the risk assessment and engineering teams.
Elements | Expected Lifecycle | |
Dams / Water supply |
| |
Storm / Sanitary Sewer |
| |
Roads / Bridges |
| |
Houses / Buildings |
Defining the timeframes of an assessment involves aligning the expected lifecycle of the elements with climate projections and any data used to evaluate risk. Some suggested lifecycles for infrastructure elements are listed in the Table above to the right as a starting point for an assessment. A more detailed analysis of infrastructure lifecycle is recommended as many factors affect lifecycle. The potential for infrastructure being repurposed, extending lifecycles beyond originally planned timeframes, should always be considered.
For ecosystems the baseline differs from grey infrastructure: When Ecosystem based Adaptation (EbA) interventions are utilized, deterioration timelines for natural assets will likely differ from those for built/grey infrastructure. For example, a constructed side channel may have a longer projected lifespan than a dam. This longevity of natural assets compared to build/grey assets is one of the attractive features of EbA – it can often rely on “free” natural processes for maintenance over time. However, not all EbAs will achieve total independence, or they may require many years to do so (ADB 2019). The side channel may need to be regularly dredged to maintain service provision. |
Task 3: Data preparation and projections of extreme events
Careful evaluation of any data used within the PIEVC should be completed during this portion of the analysis, particularly around data availability for complex parameters (e.g., wind gusts, extreme and complex precipitation events). From an analysis perspective, missing data should not deter the inclusion of relevant climate parameters, rather, it may require the use of alternative data sources or datasets (e.g., previous analyses, research papers, specialized studies, or/and global datasets), or less spatially explicit information (e.g., general findings of IPCC assessment reports applicable to the broader region), or expert opinion to conduct the climate analyses.
When the risk assessment is applied to an asset in the design phase, historical climate of the site or region and prior impacts of climate on similar existing assets should be considered. Where historical daily observed data is less available and contains gaps, the team climate specialist should consult multiple data sources to develop a historical baseline for likelihood scoring. Different observation datasets can be obtained from NBI such as DST-FAO and its Integrated Knowledge Portal (IKP) datasets. At the screening level, it may be possible to use pre-set climate indicators available from a series of climate portals.
Things to consider:
- For each climate hazard indicator, determine whether an annual occurrence, or occurrence over the study time horizon, is of most concern. For example, extreme rainfall events may cause recurring flooding issues whose risk would be more usefully evaluated based upon the annual probability of occurrence.
- On the other hand, organizations should also consider the risks of extreme, rarer but more devastating events. It is important to note that climate models may not be able to defensibly support estimates of future changes in the frequency or intensity of phenomena such as tornadoes and that other techniques may be required to arrive at such estimates.
- For these types of events, the low annual probability of occurrence in any given year is less telling but knowing about whether it could occur at least once over the study time would retain it within the organization’s understanding of its risks.
Table 9: Data on NBI’s climate data portal
NBI has precomputed for the entire Nile Basin the relevant climate and hydrological data sets based on downscaled key climate variables from 13 climate models. These include climate datasets on historical climate and future climate projections, that represent the minimum and maximum climate signal change for temperature and precipitation. A report is available that evaluates model performance and signal changes. The data can be obtained from NBI’s climate data service portal (Climate Scenario Database | Nile Basin Initiative). The climate data include:
The data are available in 0.44o spatial and daily temporal resolution. The service database portal could be further utilized by Nile countries, where decision makers can carry out climate risk assessments especially with regards to water infrastructure planning. However, remaining differences in availability of historical climate data sets may lead to “gaps” and “holes” in the overall understanding of baseline climate information for some climate parameters regardless of the state of new portals and gridded datasets. When this occurs, it is possible to use proxy datasets and modeled data, particularly for temperature and precipitation related parameters. |
Respective indicators can be developed useful for the risk assessment.
Task 4: Hydrological modelling for simulating the service reliability
Next to assessing structural design performance under climate change, service reliability assessment is an important objective. This involves assessment of effects of climate change on the demand and supply for the infrastructure service. The changes in climate parameters are converted into basic scheme parameters (flow series, flood flows and return periods, evaporation, sediment loads, slope stability etc.). To assess the generation and performance of for example a hydropower project under conditions of climate change, a hydrological model is used to generate future inflows. The flow simulated by hydrological models can be used for service reliability assessments (hydropower, irrigation, etc.) using decision support tools.
See Figure 15 for the illustration of a flow of coupling models to simulate inflow data, system simulation (hydropower, water supply) data and economic figures. The inflow data from the hydrological model provides the input for the system simulation model which typically includes models that capture reservoir, plant operation, and other parameters such as environmental flow, restrictions and data on demand patterns. An example of such a model is the free nMAG model (Killingtveit, 1999, 2004). Detailed integrated impacts of potential climate change on physical hazards such as geohazard assessment may also be modelled and included. Though, depending on context different approaches towards modelling exist. They are based on the recommendations of the International Hydropower Association which also contains descriptions of some of the methods for hydrological modelling, flood estimation among others (IHA, 2019).
The simulation of the service culminates into a service reliability assessment under climate change conditions. First, the assessment should be done for the baseline and at least one scenario considered representative for the future climate conditions (e.g. centroid of current GCM ensemble such as CMIP6). The sensitivity analysis should be performed covering a possible range of changes in mean annual precipitation and temperature derived from the GCM ensemble. The sensitivity assessment will result in climate response maps or figures showing the performance (economic, targeted service, safety, structural integrity – thresholds identified in Activity 2, task 4) of the project across a wide range of possible climate states.
NBI developed an Excel tool to be used for executing the service reliability assessment based on the hydrological modelling results using the key data products presented in Table 10.
Table 10: Examples of climate data products prepared by NBI
NBI’s climate datasets were prepared and organized serving water resource planning taking into consideration climate change. NBI has precomputed the relevant climate and hydrological datasets produced based on the downscaled key climate variables from global climate models for the entire Nile Basin. Intensity, Duration, Frequency (IDF) curves can be obtained from the NBI climate dataset to identify climate change induced changes in rainfall events to be used for hydrological extreme flow analysis and calculating the discharge in a required river catchment. For applying hydrological models, please visit NBI’s guidance using Mike-Hydro - Climate Proofing Manuals and Guidance | Nile Basin Initiative. Relevant and experienced experts (hydrologists, climatologists, and water resource planners) are needed to carry out this work. | |
Example of climate data required for assessing service reliability & structural integrity of six projects at pre-feasibility and feasibility stage from the NEL-IP
| Climate data products required for assessing service reliability & structural integrity of dam infrastructure components (e.g., spillway)
As an example, the following graph illustrates a result of simulating future hydro-power performance using the excel tool. Are more detailed description can be accessed at NBI’s Integrated Knowledge Portal (IKP) – The Climate Proofing Hub. The data produced by NBI can be used as input for a rainfall runoff model to simulate the flow in the river. Figure 17: Hydropower service modelling for future flows using the example of the Angololo Project |
Storm profiles need to be considered on top of the IDFs. Storm profiles with a rainfall peak at the end of an event will always produce the worst conditions. The likelihood of such a storm profile needs to be estimated and considered in combination with the selected return period of the rainfall intensity. This is relevant to obtain the overall probability of occurrence of the event. Observed historical timeseries of rainfall in the region can be used to extract storm profiles and determine the prevalent profile for the catchment. After generating different storm profiles, the profiles can be imported to a rainfall runoff model, where they can be used to run the model for the chosen catchment and thereby simulate the flow in the river. Obtaining the run-off / discharge that forms as a result of these rainfall events can be required for many analyses including the planning and operation of new infrastructures on the river or to facilitate the management of water resources.
Ecosystem Based Adaptation considerations | When EbA interventions are incorporated into simulation modelling, it can require additional effort to establish mathematical or qualitative relationships between key ecosystem components and climate variables, then linking these to changes in overall service provision by the water infrastructure (see the GIZ “Guidebook for Monitoring and Evaluation of Ecosystem-based Adaptation Interventions”). Parameterization of natural systems can be more complex than parameterization of grey/built systems since the former are often associated with greater uncertainty and causal pathways can be poorly defined or may differ across project sites. For this reason, when sensitivity analyses are completed for the hydrologic model, any natural assets that are incorporated may require additional attention to adequately communicate the extent to which uncertainty about parameter assumptions could affect simulated results. Lastly, when using models to evaluate changes in focal service provision under different climate scenarios, EbA-derived co-benefits like new recreation opportunities, biodiversity and habitat, and aesthetic value should also be considered. Including these services may introduce the need to evaluate new trade-offs across focal service provision and co-benefit provision and the nature of these trade-offs may change over time and under future climate scenarios. |
Activity 5: Scoring likelihood and impact, calculating and evaluating risk
Risk calculation reveals the level of risk that been scored within a stakeholder dialogure process using the data illustrated in the Activity 3. In order to evaluate the data, the results The results obtained are being subject to evaluation whether a risk condition is acceptable or not. Hence, risk evaluation already provides orientation for the signifcance of the risks identified and developing recommendations for resilience.
The objective of this activity is to complete the Risk Assessment using:
- Elements (E) of the infrastructure system defined (services, structural elements, operational elements)
- Exposure (Ex) analysis completed
- Climate Parameters (P) and Likelihood Scores (L) and Impact scores (I) developed
- Risk (R) = Exposure (E) x Impact (I) x Likelihood (L)
Risk Assessment using a Risk Assessment Worksheet
In most PIEVC applications, this work will be recorded on a risk assessment worksheet during a multi stakeholder risk assessment workshop.
Task 1: Defining the probability / likelihood scoring levels and metrics
The result of the hydrological model from Activity 3, Task 3 provides computed likelihoods by constructing all possible states (e.g., based on different climate ensembles) and constructing probabilities of different thresholds for different climate variables (e.g., probability of occurrence of a flood of a given magnitude), or probabilities of changing return periods by design parameters.
For the risk assessment process, the probabilities are converted to a numeric scale e.g., 1-5. The definition of these probability or likelihood metrics needs to be selected to be as unambiguous as possible. If numerical guides are used to define different probabilities, then units should be given. The probability scale needs to span the range relevant to the study in hand, remembering that the lowest probability must be acceptable for the highest defined impact, otherwise, when it comes to risk evaluation all activities with the highest impacts are defined as intolerable. For water infrastructure the Probable Maximum Flood (PMF) is such as case.
The relevant approaches to estimate likelihood / probability that can be followed individually or jointly are:
- The use of climate data (historical data and projections) and hence be able to compute the probability of occurrence of critical climate events in the future.
- The use of expert opinion that should be draw upon all relevant available information including historical, system-specific, organizational-specific, experimental, design, etc.
Level | Likelihood | Expected or actual frequency experienced | Return period (approximate exponential progression; base: power 10^1.3; project with ~ 100 years’ service life) |
1 | Highly Unlikely | May only occur in exceptional circumstances; simple process; no previous incidence of non-compliance, 0-10% chance of occurring | “Expected to occur on average approximately one time every 500 years” |
2 | Unlikely | Could occur at some time; 11-25% chance of occurring; non-complex process &/or existence of checks and balances | “Expected to occur on average approximately one time every 150 years” |
3 | Possible | Might occur at some time; 26 – 50% chance of occurring; previous audits/reports indicate non-compliance; complex process with extensive checks & balances; impacting factors outside control of organisation | “Expected to occur on average approximately one time every 50 years” |
4 | Likely | Will probably occur in most circumstances; 51-75% chance of occurring; complex process with some checks & balances; impacting factors outside control of organisation | “Expected to occur on average approximately once every 20 years” |
5 | Almost certain | Can be expected to occur in most circumstances; more than 76% chance of occurring; complex process with minimal checks & balances; impacting factors outside control of organisation | “Expected to occur on average approximately once every 10 years” |
Figure 19 Separate scoring scales for baseline and future climate
Task 2: Score the likelihood climate change
The scoring of likelihood is a process of translating the scientific findings of current and future climate into a score that is applicable to be used for calculating and evaluating overall risk. In some cases, to avoid biasing the scoring process with a conflation between changes in likelihood and impact, it is appropriate to withhold climate likelihood scores until the impact scoring is complete. Whether the two processes are completed separately before joining the results is a decision to be made by the project team.
There are some key considerations for the likelihood scoring process that should be factored into each analysis. These key considerations are:
- Scoring is an iterative process, where hazard indicator definitions (based on impact thresholds) and likelihood scores are developed by the climate specialist and reviewed with the project team. Time for revisions and consultation should be considered in the risk assessment process.
- Hazards should not only include historically occurring hazards, but ones that could potentially manifest under future climate change. For example, if a region has never experienced maximum temperatures over 40°C historically but could within the assessment time horizons, this hazard should be included in analysis.
- Some hazards may require multiple indicators/thresholds as impact (surpassing thresholds) is not always proportional to event likelihood of occurrence.
- Estimates of likelihood are sometimes based on climate parameters that are not perfect matches for the ones of interest by the project team. This is possible as likelihood scores represent a wide range of likelihoods within each "bin”.
The example below illustrates examples of likelihood scores for different climate indicators developed and different time scales of projections. The likelihood scores are then transferred into the risk matrix.
Table 10: Examples of likelihood scoring for different climate indicators and elements under assessment
An example of how likelihood is scored for historical and future discharge is presented in Box 7. Preferably the expert will be able to simulate as many years as possible. The projected discharge from the hydrological model can be used to derive the occurrence of impactful events with a certain severity score level defined in Activity 2, Task 3 and 4. Depending on the number of simulated years and the number of occurred events, the likelihood of occurrence can be calculated in percentage and applied to the scoring system.
Task 3: Assess and score the impact severity
For each interaction between an infrastructure element and a climate event type score the Impact Severity based on the scoring system developed (see example from Table 3).
Often the impact severity scored is built upon a substantive and controversial discussion amongst stakeholders. When consensus has been built a thorough documentation of the arguments put forward for having arrived at a specific score is necessary.
Documentation of the selected impact scores for each element will assist in understanding the risk scores as well as assist in developing recommendations later in the assessment. Comments may describe effects, measurable outcomes (e.g., how it affects the operational goal, duration of outage, safety, critical infrastructure loss, financial, environmental effect, reputation, etc.). Organizations may choose other scales based on their project objectives. It is important the results of the scoring of severity of impact need to be reasoned well, if not even scientifically grounded. Once, in a stakeholder workshop the impact severity is scored the accompanying discussion needs to be well documented to ensure collective liability for the final risk scores developed.
Finally, the impact severity scores are transferred to the risk matrix.
Task 4: Calculate risk score
Calculate the Risk (R) for each interaction Risk (R) = Exposure (E) x Impact (I) x Likelihood (L), where (E) is either yes=1 or No=0
The results are documented in the risk matrix. Now the risk matrix is completed.
Figure 20 Example matrix of the PIEVC methodology for the Borenga dam a single asset type of risk assessment (components were more than in this shortened representation
Task 5: Evaluate the risks for risk tollerance
Summarize and classify risk using the scales provided. Assessors may adjust the classification categories as appropriate to align with the infrastructure owner’s risk appetite. The resulting risk calculation shows whether a given risk is high, medium, low. This involves establishing the risk levels based on probabilities of occurrence of a given undesirable event and the impacts experienced should such an event occur. This also includes the assessment of the widest possible range of potential impacts, including low-probability outcomes with large impacts. The risk levels assigned to the cells will depend on the definitions for the probability/impact scales. These can be defined by the stakeholders.
Stakeholders will determine the level of risk they are willing to bare. This level of risk may be linked to key project thresholds which should not be exceeded. Some of these may be technical and economic/financial thresholds relating to infrastructure in addition to other socio-economic and environmental criteria. The project objectives and excepted performance metrics should already provide a good basis for establishing the necessary thresholds. The level of risk would inform whether further study is required to manage the risk.
Task 6: Prioritize risks based on the risk evaluation
- Discuss the evaluated risk
- Consider other factors that may be used to classify risk into priorities.
- Consider timing, cost, available resources, finance, legal, O&M, risk tolerance, etc.
- Identify and discuss special case risks
- Low Likelihood – High Impact that could represent significant concerns, despite low risk assessment scores.
- High Likelihood – Low Impact that could represent significant concerns, despite low risk assessment scores.
- Based on the prioritization, identify:
- Interactions that require no action currently (Low Risk).
- Interactions that may require further attention, study over time (Medium Risk).
- Interactions that require immediate action (High Risk).
- Special case risks.
- Prepare a Concluding Statement that identifies:
- The overall level of confidence in the assessment based on the level of detail.
- Context regarding the level of assessment and application of findings.
- The amount of vulnerability or resiliency of the system.
- The global limitations of the assessment.
- The time horizon of the assessment.
- Climate trends that contribute to the vulnerability of the system.
Activity 6: Recommendations for risk treatment and reporting
Drafting recommendations as a starting point of risk treatment is essential, as they are revealed directly from the risk assessment process. The risk assessment team is finalizing its task by developing a joint report that is documenting all relevant findings related to stated and evaluated risks, data sufficiency and the recommendations provided.
Task 1: Develop recommendations for next steps, risk treatment and data sufficiency
- Develop recommendations for identified risks.
- Provide justification for each recommendation.
- Incorporate, as much as possible, organization risk tolerance and acceptable residual risk.
- Categorize the recommendations according to for example:
- Policy/procedural changes.
- Remedial actions.
- Further study or analysis.
- More comprehensive risk assessment (e.g., using the full PIEVC Protocol).
- Engineering design considerations to engineering analysis, preliminary
- design criteria or design changes.
- Risk avoidance strategies.
- Consider stopping activities in high-risk areas.
- Other, as appropriate.
- Discuss next steps and the frequency and nature of monitoring and review of risks.
Task 2: Develop a report on the risk assessment, evaluation and recommendations
- Prepare a Statement of Assumptions and Limitations
- What was and was not considered?
- Which timeframes were considered?
- Which RCPs or future scenarios were used?
- Comment on missing, unavailable data and uncertainty.
- Comment on steps taken to address missing or unavailable data.
Step 3: Risk Treatment
Risk treatment aims at managing the climate risks that may impact the ability of programs and projects to achieve their objectives. The project must be able to cope with the significant potential changes due to climate change that are assessed.
For example, the structural design and hydraulic designs must be sufficient to cope with climate change but also not be so expensive that the objectives of the project cannot be achieved (i.e., adopt a minimum regret alternatives). Specific Risk Management actions within the project (structural and/or non-structural designs for example) will be made or documented. Each modified design will include one or a combination of the resilience (functional and/or structural) measures. The set of modified designs can range from one with minimal changes to one with more significant adjustments. In some cases, these modified project designs can be identified using expert judgment. In other cases, robust technical-optimisation methods can be used to select promising combinations of options. The range of modifications practically available will be larger for new projects or those under major rehabilitation or expansion than for operating projects.
The process of identifying the best suitable resilience measures may be an iterative process to test the measures (if not already defined in the project) for addressing all risks in the management plan. Iteration means conducting one or more stress tests (CCRA) to test the robustness of the mitigation measures or to document the comparative economic indicators of choosing between different adaptation strategies. This includes assessments for any changes in the natural hazards risk as already identified by existing project studies.
The process of risk treatment to arrive at viable, effective, and feasible risk treatment options within a climate proofing approach is simplified and described as a sequencial process of identifying, assessing and selecting, and implementing risk treatment options described in the following activities.
Activity 1: Identifying risk treatment options
This step is often carried out as a last step of risk assessment where recommendations are being developed and carried over to a thorough risk treatment process. When identifying options, no constraints or criteria are usually applied to allow for the most creative exercise that enhances innovative thinking.
Activity 2: Assessing and selecting different risk treatment options
Typically, all risk treatment options have social, environmental, economic, institutional, physical, and operational implications and need to be selected carefully utilizing different methodologies, such as cost-effectiveness, cost-benefit analysis: Understanding the benefits and trade-offs, as well as cost-benefits of alternative risk management actions is important. The complexity of adaptation actions across scales and contexts means that monitoring and learning are important components of effective adaptation. The process is iterative and can take several rounds before the mitigation and adaptation options are defined.
The strategy for the different types of projects is as follows:
- Existing projects: assess whether simple structural and functional measures can be implemented to current components and operations.
- Planned projects: identify the design that is the best feasible that balances meeting performance metrics with the potential for future modification. Perform incremental cost-benefit analyses on key project components that are being optimised.
- Future projects: assess design options that can be cost-effectively built to be flexible and that can be modified for different climate scenarios following an adaptative approach (e.g. increased storage, different sites for new projects).
It is necessary to evaluate the ability of each adaptation option/proofing measure to reduce the potential risks while satisfying the specified performance metrics for the future climate scenarios.
- Re-run the design options through the models to undertake the climate stress test in the same way as previously done.
- Determine the most resilient project design using the results from the evaluation of the options
- Calculate the potential loss (regret) of each modified project design in each scenario. The potential loss (or regret) of a design in any scenario is the difference between the performance of that design in that scenario and the performance of the best design for that scenario. Note that each design will have a separate value of regret for each performance measure.
- Identify project design with the minimum maximum loss (regret): Identify the maximum regret for each project design alternative. The project with the minimum maximum regret is the most climate resilient design among the options
- Identify tolerable loss: Each performance measure may have a tolerable level of regret identified and agreed with key stakeholders. The design for which the regret is within this tolerable level of regret for the greatest number of scenarios is the most robust strategy.
Evaluate results and act: If the results suggest a similar design, then that project design option is chosen as the resilient design. Otherwise, identify additional options to bring the project options to within the tolerable loss. IHA, (2019) has an example for regret calculation that can be adopted. The example shows NPV.
If the evaluation does not eventually identify a resilient design the project design can either be:
- Further adjusted, if there is an individual feature that has been shown to not meet the resilience requirements (e.g., a dam can be redesigned to accept overtopping without failure for extreme floods). A new climate stress test has to be carried out
- The project may be completely reformulated or redesigned, if the overall project or components of the project fail to meet the resilience. May require restarting the process or taking another alternative.
- The project may be abandoned if it is deemed too risky.
Activity 3: Implementation of selected risk treatment options
Once a project’s mitigation and adaptation options are selected, they must be mainstreamed into policies, feasibility and design studies, infrastructure safety plans, retrofitting procedures, depending on the context of climate proofing. Given that climate change trends have a high uncertainty, monitoring must be implemented during the project operation phases.The responsibility for each of these risk treatment measures must be clearly defined along with a timeline for the proposed action. Following agreement of budget/funding, the CRMP is implemented into the project process.
Step 4 Monitoring and evaluation
Developing and implementing an adaptation-focused monitoring and evaluation (M&E) system is key to measure if and how infrastructure investment projects are performing regarding managing climate-related risk. It is a permanent learning process, useful to replicate successful and avoid unsuccessful lessons learnt in the future.
Infrastructure investment projects vary regarding the individual project, contexts, locations, and scales. Therefore, no universal indicators exist, and success cannot be measured with one indicator only. As such, the establishment of a baseline is crucial to create a reference point, pursuing to measure impact. This baseline can often be a climate risk assessment. M&E systems in the context of adaptation to climate change can be designed focusing on a variety of metrics. Commonly, measuring variables can be climate parameters, climate change impacts, vulnerability, implementation of adaptation measures, or the impact of adaptation measures. All these foci are valid; however, they do not always necessarily contribute to measuring relevant variables in the context of infrastructure investment.