Climate Proofing and Project Cycle Management
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- Climate Proofing and Project Cycle Management
For climate change adaptation to be sustainable, it must be incorporated, integrated or “mainstreamed” into the policy apparatus of governments, into business development and practices. This means incorporating climate risk considerations into every aspect of the policy and project development process and decisions by government, communities and private sector (Bockel, 2009; Amuzu et al., 2018). NBI’s climate proofing approach is about mainstreaming climate risk management into all stages of the upstream and downstream infrastructure planning and investment decision making process. Hence, the NB riparian countries’ frameworks for investment planning or NBI’s specific approaches towards transboundary planning and project development define the nature and methodological approaches towards climate proofing. Hence, each chapter of this step-by-step guidance has a unique approach towards climate proofing, including different scope, types of risk assessment and treatment to be carried out.
The following image provides a summarized overview on the specifics of climate proofing at the different stages of the project cycle.
By clicking on each of the stages you will find a more detailled description of climate proofing