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The Second Media training workshop took place in South Sudan, Juba Landmark Hotel from 28-29 February 2024.

The Second Media training workshop took place in South Sudan, Juba Landmark Hotel from 28-29 February 2024.

The Second Media training Participant
Wednesday 28th of February 2024

The main objective of this media training workshop is to increase understanding of journalists on existing NBI cooperation and benefit gained, to share information on challenges and opportunities related to Nile Water Resources Management and Development, and to enable them to communicate factual and evidence-based information to concerned stakeholders (private sectors. NGOs, politicians, government advisors, local communities, users of the Nile water resource etc.…) to enhance cooperation among the EN countries.    

The media training workshop commenced with an opening address by Dr. Salih Hamed, the Executive Director of ENTRO. Dr. Salih Hamed provided a brief overview of ENTRO's background and various projects, highlighting the importance of the media in promoting Nile cooperation and the eastern Nile region. Dr. Salih encouraged all media houses to actively participate in the training and stressed the importance of making the training interactive. He also expressed gratitude to the participants for attending and wished successful stay during the media training programs. Finally, he invited Engineer Thomas Jang, Host ENSAPT leader South Sudan to address welcoming remarks.

The ENSAPT Leader Engineer Thomas Jang welcomed all the media training participant to Juba South Sudan and state that as the Eastern Nile, we are united as one River, one people, one vision to harness the power of the Nile and promote the sustainable use of our water resources. It is crucial for the media to actively engage in this mission and bring awareness to the importance of the Nile. Local communities must be informed about the developments surrounding the Nile, and it is essential for decision-makers to be well-informed to make informed choices. Also, our thoughts and prayers are with Sudan as they strive for peace, and we extend an invitation to Egypt to join us in our efforts to collaborate on Nile conservation. Finally, he invites the ENSAPT Chair Dr. Zebene Lakew to officially open the training. 

The Chair of ENSAPT, Dr. Zebene Lakew, extends his gratitude to South Sudan for their warm hospitality in hosting the Media Training. He also expresses his appreciation to ENTRO for their excellent preparation of the training. Dr. Zebene emphasizes the crucial role of media and highlights the high expectations placed on journalists, as media plays a pivotal role in shaping public opinion. He stresses the importance of ensuring accurate information and avoiding misinformation, as this can lead to misunderstandings and conflicts. Collaboration and dissemination of appropriate messages are key in achieving the goals of the program. The primary objective of this program is to educate participants on media practices, promote conflict resolution, and maximize the benefits of the Nile's resources.
The efforts of the Consultant are also acknowledged and appreciated By the ENSAPT Chair. Dr. Zebene officially declares the workshop open, signaling the beginning of a productive and enlightening training session.