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NBI validates data in Nile River Basin Management Plan

NBI validates data in Nile River Basin Management Plan

Sunday 15th of May 2022

The Nile Basin Initiative (NBI) Secretariat is implementing a 10-year strategy (2017-2027) and is already delivering results of prime importance to the region. Three of the key undertakings are the preparation of the Nile River Basin Management Plan (NR BMP), Basin Investment Programme and a Strategic Water Resources Analysis. Between, May 14-15, stakeholders including Lake Victoria Basin Commission under the East African Community, Nile Equatorial Lakes Subsidiary Action Programme Coordination Unit (NELSAPCU), GIZ, IGAD Secretariat, Eastern Nile Technical Regional Office (ENTRO) , East African Power Pool (EAPP) and members of the Nile Technical Advisory Committee (Nile-TAC), deliberated on the validation of the data and information shared in the three research findings in a workshop at the Commonwealth Speke Resort, Munyonyo in Kampala. The Basin Management Plan is being prepared to provide guidance for the sustainable management and development of the Nile Basin. Many actors in the development interventions in the basin and plan will provide a coordinated approach in their projects planning and implementation. The BMP is based on the State of River Nile Basin 2020 situation analysis and is aligned to the six goals of NBI’s 10-year Strategy. The BMP has identified 14 sustainable development targets with over 60 indicators to monitor. A number of sustainable development targets were proposed in the Basin Management Plan, including their tracking mechanisms. During the validation of data and information contained in the plan, participants were tasked to review and recommend ways forward for monitoring of the plan. Different groups were formed to undertake the tasks in line with NBI’s six strategic goals: water security, energy security, food security, environmental sustainability, climate change adaptation and transboundary governance. The Basin Management Plan is being prepared to provide guidance for the sustainable management and development of the Nile Basin. Many actors in the development interventions in the basin and plan will provide a coordinated approach in their projects planning and implementation. >> The Nile River Basin Investment Programme (NRBIP) is an investment promotion tool and a regional agenda for transformation of the Nile Basin through the cooperative management and development of the shared Nile Basin water resources. The Nile BIP is also a process – a multi-actor and multisectoral participatory process leading to a common understanding and consensus amongst stakeholders on the priority investments needed to put the region on a trajectory of attaining water, food and energy security, and environmental sustainability in the Nile region. The BIP further is a mechanism for analysis, prioritisation, preparation, and marketing of investments of regional nature needed for deliver a basket of benefits for Nile riparian countries. During his presentation, NBI Scretariat Deputy Executive Director and Head of the Basinwide Programme, Dr Michael Kizza outlined the challenge with the BIP but went on to stress how Nile Basin countries can overcome it. “The Nile is a resource of strategic importance with potential to support the Nile riparian countries to overcome development challenges and transform into prosperous nations. But to achieve the goal of prosperity, a significant amount of investment is needed across several water-related sectors. The amount of investment required is huge, and is more than what any one regional organisation acting alone can deliver. The regional support complements the efforts of the countries that have the primary responsibility for development programming,” he said. He added, “Therefore, some form of regional collaboration is necessary for effective development of the Nile River Basin. But such collaboration amongst regional organisations to promote a coordinated investment programme is lacking.” The research findings were presented by lead consultant at SYDRO, Dr Hubert Lohr. Elizabeth Agiro
Communications Consultant