Media Training III Workshop for the Eastern Nile took place from Dec 20-23, 2024, in Bishoftu, Ethiopia.

Media Training Workshop III
Friday 20th of December 2024

Media Training III Workshop for the Eastern Nile is taking place from Dec 20-23, 2024, in Bishoftu, Ethiopia. 


The main objective of this media training workshop is to increase the understanding of journalists on existing NBI cooperation and benefits gained, to share information on challenges and opportunities relevant to Nile Water Resources Management and Development, and to enable them to communicate factual and evidence-based information to concerned stakeholders including private sectors. NGOs, politicians, government advisors, local communities, users of the Nile water resource, etc.) to boost cooperation among the EN countries.

Accordingly, the Media Training Workshop begins with the opening remarks of ENTRO Eng. Teshome Atnafie Acting Executive Director.  Eng. Teshome warmly welcomes all participants to the third Regional Media Training workshop. He emphasizes the importance of this training, as it equips media personnel to play a significant role in addressing issues related to transboundary rivers. By reducing tension and building confidence and trust among riparian countries and stakeholders, the media can contribute to peaceful cooperation. Engineer Teshome also highlights this year as a special milestone in the journey of Nile cooperation. The ratification of the Cooperative Framework Agreement (CFA) has been completed and is now in force. This marks a significant step forward in the efforts to promote cooperation and sustainable management of the Nile River.

Sudan ENSAPT Leader Representative Ahmed Ibrahim extends his gratitude to all participants and looks forward to the positive impact that the training will have on both the individuals and society. It is expected that trainees will apply the knowledge and skills gained during the training to benefit their communities and contribute to positive change.

South Sudan, ENSAPT Leader Eng. Thomas expresses gratitude to the participants, consultants, and ENTRO for their commitment and for facilitating the training. He also emphasizes the significance of ENTRO as a vital entity in EN. ENTRO plays a crucial role in our community. Additionally, Thomas highlights the importance of media personnel updating themselves annually.

ENSAPT Chair Dr. Zebene Lakew Welcome all participants! This workshop has been specifically designed to provide us with the tools necessary to convey crucial messages about water management, environmental sustainability, and regional cooperation. Journalists play a vital role in bridging gaps between communities, policymakers, and stakeholders both locally and internationally. Through our reporting, we have the power to raise awareness about urgent issues such as water scarcity, climate change, and transportation management, ultimately fostering a culture of dialogue and cooperation among nations. Dr. Zebene, encourages all participants to actively engage, ask questions, and share their insights. 

The Media Training Workshop brings together more than 15 national-level journalists from each of the Eastern Nile Basin countries (Ethiopia, South Sudan, and Sudan)  development journalists and communicators from Eastern Nile Countries who are well-versed in developmental issues,  participate in the workshop.