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Ethiopia to host Nile Basin Development Forum 2020

Ethiopia to host Nile Basin Development Forum 2020

Thursday 16th of January 2020

The 6th Nile Basin Development Forum (NBDF) will take place from October 27 – 29, 2020 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The Forum will bring together multi-stakeholders from within and out of the Nile Basin including Ministers in charge of Water Affairs and other government officials in Nile Basin countries, Members of Parliament, water resource managers, environmentalists, economists, development planners, academia and researchers, to deliberate on opportunities and challenges of Nile cooperation. Other stakeholders are river basins organizations, regional, continental and international organizations, civil society, private sector as well as media practitioners.

Themed: “Rethinking Regional Investments in the Nile Basin – Water | Food | Energy | Environment | Climate, the goal of the NBDF 2020 is to enhance transformative processes and projects that will contribute to the Nile Basin Initiative (NBI)’s Shared Vision: to promote socio-economic benefits for the people and countries of the Nile Basin. The NBDF is a high level regional event convened every three years by the Nile Basin Initiative (NBI) and organized in collaboration with Member States and in partnership with development partners.

Do not miss out on the unique opportunity to connect with thought leaders from within and outside the water sector as well as engage and network with over 400 delegates. Find out more: