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The 7th NCCR Internship Batch Eastern Nile Climate Assessment: Rainfall Analysis

The 7th NCCR Internship Batch Eastern Nile Climate Assessment: Rainfall Analysis

The 7th NCCR Internship Batch Filed Visit to Kampala, Uganda
Wednesday 5th of June 2024

The 7th batch was implemented by enrolling three interns from Ethiopia, two from South Sudan, and three from Sudan on competitive basis with the theme “Eastern Nile Climate Assessment: Rainfall Analysis” with two Sub-themes (Groups): (1) Eastern Nile River Basin Rainfall Trend Analysis and (2) Eastern Nile River Basin Rainfall Projection. The objective of the assignment was to assess and analyze the state of climate systems: (1) by quantifying the rainfall anomalies and trends for he past 30 years in the Eastern Nile River Basin using Satellite and ground truth rainfall data from multiple national and global sources and (2) quantifying future precipitation projections (30 years period) from GCM simulation outputs of the Coupled Model Inter-Comparison Project Phase 6 (CMIP6), respectively. 


ENTRO provides: -
•    In-house training was offered to interns participating the 7th NCCR batches: the trainings are Induction Course (about Introduction to the Nile basin, The Nile Basin Initiative, and NBI structures), Geospatial and Climate Data Analysis 
•    Advanced training on Dynamic Climate Modelling procedures and HPC facilities; Seasonal Rainfall Prediction Systems; Drought Early Warning System (DEWS) in relation to Agriculture and Food Security; Eastern Africa Climate Drivers-linkage and Impacts in the seasonal Rainfall 
Through these exercises, it was able to develop capacities of inters in terms of their understanding on the climate systems of the Eastern Nile River Basin, its linkage with drivers, variability, past and future trends, anomalies, analytical and spatial modeling technics together with the implication on the water resources of the basin. 

ENTRO has conducted an educational field visit and advanced modelling training from 24-29 April 2024 for the 7th NCCR internship batch working on the theme “Eastern Nile Water Resources Assessment: Situation Analysis” in partnership with the Nile Secretariat (Nile-Sec) in Kampala, Uganda.

 During the event, Interns obtained advanced modelling training on Nile-Decision Support System (Nile-DSS) that include MIKE HYDRO Basin; MIKE HYDRO River; and NAM models. Each training session was facilitated with hands-on exercise supported by Nile-Sec experts.  As part of the mission, Interns have also engaged in a practical field excursion to the source of Nile River system around Lake Victoria and water resources development infrastructures (Nalubale and Kiira Hydropower facility) in Jinja. At the end, Interns have been capacitated in applying advanced techniques for water resources systems modelling, planning, and management in the terrestrial environment and familiarized with the Nile River systems.
ENTRO Interns Visitation to Nile River system around Lake Victoria and water resources development infrastructures (Nalubale and Kiira Hydropower facility) in Jinja.