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Eastern Nile Irrigation and Drainage (ENID)

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Project Objectives

ENIDS has the following objectives:
  • Support the development and expansion of more efficient irrigation systems to improve the productivity of small- and large-scale agriculture, which will lead to food security, rural employment opportunities, and a reduction in poverty.
  • Address the institutional, infrastructure, and technological issues that are at the root of low agricultural productivity levels.
  • Contribute to the creation of national planning, design, and supervision capacity for project implementation while promoting local farmer responsibility for operation and maintenance.
  • Improve farmers’ access to markets and credit.

Project Outcomes

When completed, the project will:
  • Potentially save billions of irrigation water
  • Potentially add millions of hectares of irrigable land through water saving and efficiciency
  • Improve irrigation management through rehabilitation and modernization of drainage and irrigation systems
  • Reduce harvest loss by about 20%
Project Achievements

Project achievements include:

  • ENIDS successfully completed the Cooperative Regional Assessment (CRA), accomplishing the following:
    • CRA developed guidelines for assessing and identifying irrigation projects.
    • CRA conducted distributive and institutional analyses spanning all three countries, which pooled together transboundary irrigation development challenges and opportunities. These analyses also determined the costs and benefits that would accrue to each country, and the institutional and legislative reform requirements needed to meet these opportunities.
    • CRA examined the consistencies of the three countries’ agricultural development policies and proposed projects that would confer win-win outcomes for each country.
  • ENIDS identified potentially irrigable land in Sudan and Ethiopia. Based on its findings, the project ranked and prepared investment projects worth $70 million (USD) in Ethiopia, and $40 million (US) in Sudan.