Nile Flow News Letter V-17
ENTRO produces a magazine called Nile - Flow. We print free copies, which are sent to our governance members, line ministries, stakeholders in the eastern Nile Region, NBI Centers, our Development Partners and counterparts across the world.
Nile - Flow features institutional and technical information related to Nile water cooperation activities undertaken by Eastern Nile Technical Regional Office (ENTRO), Eastern Nile countries and partners.
What is in the Name?
We have chosen “Nile -Flow” as the name of our Newsletter.
Nile – Our great river!
Flow – The flow of our great river, running through the Four sisterly Eastern Nile Subsidiary
Action Program (ENSAP) Countries of Egypt, Ethiopia, Republic of South Sudan, and
the Sudan; connecting the people, their cultures, their histories, their livelihood, and
shared destinies since time immemorial.
In the psychological sense also symbolizes a feeling of energized focus, of total engagement, and success in the activity being undertaken– i.e., in the ENSAP cooperation process we are all engaged in. Thus, the twin message: a description of reality, on the one hand, and a statement of hope, vision, and purpose on the other.