The degradation of riverine ecosystems. resulting from changes in
natural flow regimes. is incrc;1,mgly recognized as hcing amon1-'.Sl the most sig nificant negatl\
e effects of hydraulic structures. l;m iron mental 1km, are managed releases from a reservoir
intern.led to mitigate these impacts. Numerous techniques have been developed to estimate
environmental flows but, for a variety of rea sons, these methods are rarely applied
in developing countries. The Ethiopian
Government is planning major hydropower and irrigation development in the catch ment or the Blue
Nile River. This paper repor1, the 1indings of a first attempt
to rigorously quantify environmental llows in the Blue Nile R1\er. Three desk top
hydrological methods, the Global Environmental Flow Calculator. the Desktop Reserve Model. and the
Tennant 1Hethod, were applied at three locations. With reasonable consistency they indicate that
21-28<:.1 of the mean annual flow may he sufficient to sustain basic ecological
functioning. The results. which are low
,:ontidence estimates. need to he confirmed with much more detailed studies. hut provide a basis
for discussion and (·an contrihut.e ttJ the early phases of planning.