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Nile River Basin Management Plan

The Nile Agenda is about what needs to be done to support the attainment of the Nile Vision Objective, agreed by the NBI member countries in 2002 to “achieve sustainable socio-economic development through equitable utilisation of, and benefit from, the common Nile Basin water resources.” The focus is on the availability of sustainable water resources right across the basin in support of development and provision of benefits. The NBI 10-year Strategy (NBI, 2017) Strategic Direction 1.6 recognises the need to strengthen joint basin and sub-basin water resources management planning. This underlines the need for an overarching Strategic River Basin Management Plan under which future versions of the NBI 10-year Strategy and the action plans of the three NBI centres will fall. It will also provide guidance to other regional organisations and the Nile Basin states in terms of the route towards the sustainable development of the Nile River Basin. The objective of the NRBMP is to guide the planning and implementation of water resources management and development interventions in the Nile River Basin at national, sub-regional and regional levels.
Facts & Figures
The Nile River Basin Management Plan (NRBMP) includes indicators of progress for all of the strategic actions and also high-level targets, in the form of 13 Nile Basin Sustainability Targets (NBSDTs) with their own associated indicators of progress.
The list of actions areas under each goal have been drawn up in consultation with stakeholders. The Action Areas are high level in nature and are disaggregated into 52 strategic actions. They include action areas in water security, energy security, food security, Environmental Sustainability, Climate Resilience and Water Governance.
Maps & Infographics

The Nile Basin 10-year Strategy Goal 6 Strategic Direction 1.6 and 1.7 caters for basin planning:

Strategic Direction 1.6 is to strengthen joint basin and sub-basin water resources management. Planning under this Strategic Direction, Nile-SEC is to develop an agreed planning framework to support coordination of water resources planning and management in the Nile Basin.

Strategic Direction 1.7 is to strengthen basin investment programmes preparation and management. Under this Strategic Direction, Nile-SEC is to:

(i) Put in a place a basin‐wide investment programme support function at the Nile‐SEC; and

(ii) Develop, promote and initiate implementation of a basin‐wide investment programme building on NBI's sub‐basin level multi‐sector investment programmes.

Topics / Activities
Document Highlights

The Nile River Basin Management Plan (NR-BMP) Document highlights the current situation analysis; future outlook of the strategic water resources analysis; vision, goals and the Nile Basin Sustainable Development Targets (NBSDTs); Action Areas; Plan strategic Actions...


Document Highlights

The Nile River Basin Management Plan (NR-BMP) Document highlights the current situation analysis; future outlook of the strategic water resources analysis; vision, goals and the Nile Basin Sustainable Development Targets (NBSDTs); Action Areas; Plan strategic Actions; and implementation of the NR-BMP.