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Energy Security

energy security
Energy Security


We harness our hydropower potential together to energise our economies.


What does that mean? Demand for energy in the Nile Basin is expected to triple by 2035. Together, we will build the right dams in the right places, connect our power grids and trade the harnessed energy – so that we all benefit from the Nile to light up our cities and energise our economies.

Action Areas


Transboundary Power Generation

Electricity is not a natural resource, and hence, is not freely available for use, therefore, it has to be produced with the help of other resources such as water. Electricity is an essential part of modern life and is important in the Nile Basin for lighting, heating, cooling, etc.
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Power Interconnection

Power Interconnection

Access to electricity is a priority for the Nile Basin region’s economies because it is a prerequisite to poverty reduction and economic growth. Apart from the Eastern Nile countries, which average 64% access, most Nile Equatorial Lakes countries have very low access to electricity, with an average of 33% (International Energy Agency, 2019).
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Nile River Basin Investment Plan

The Nile region is well endowed with energy resources that include natural gas, oil, hydropower potential, geothermal energy, coal, peat, biomass, solar and wind. Despite the richness in energy sources, electricity supply in many Nile countries is inadequate, unreliable and expensive.
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Nile River Basin Management Plan

The Nile Agenda is about what needs to be done to support the attainment of the Nile Vision Objective, agreed by the NBI member countries in 2002 to “achieve sustainable socio-economic development through equitable utilisation of, and benefit from, the common Nile Basin water resources.”
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Nile River

Strategic Water Resources Analysis

As the populations and economies of the Nile Basin countries grow, so does the demand for water, food and energy. If countries develop as planned and without coordination, this will put pressure on the already strained water resources of the region.
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dam image

Dam Safety and Coordinated Operation of Cascade Dams

The Eastern Nile sub basin is characterised by rapid population growth, environmental degradation, high rainfall variability and seasonality and frequent natural disasters. The population in the sub basin is projected to increase significantly over the coming decades.
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